Mark Twain on an Indian Train
Mark Twain's description of what it was like to ride an Indian train in the late 19th century.

Mark Twain on Cultural Adaptation
Mark Twain's take on human rules across cultures, how to define modesty, and who really belongs in an asylum.

Mark Twain on India: Why Fair Skin is Ugly
An extract from Mark Twain's Following the equator where he talks about how ugly fair skin looks next to the vibrant colors of India.

Mark Twain on the Indian Heat
Mark Twain's interpretation of the "winter months" in India and what it takes to melt a brass knob.

The Best of Mark Twain on India
Mark Twain has always been one of my favorite writers and I finally got my hands on a print copy of his India reflections in the…

Why Mark Twain thinks India is Amazing
Mark Twain's thoughts on what makes India unique from the rest of the world