There are no really bad ways and no really great ways to get from Chennai to Bangalore. Bus, car, train, even plane – all have their benefits and drawbacks. Faced with one client meeting at noon and another at 3pm and an open weekend ahead of me, I opted to leave in the morning and drive.
Any Indian will tell you with full certainty that it takes exactly 5 hours to drive to Bangalore. However, I have never actually experienced this in my life and am still not sure it is physically possible. (Though I now hear myself saying it to others as well.)
Here is my story. I marked my mistakes with a * and good ideas with a ^.
My original plan was to leave at 6 am, giving myself a good extra hour to reach. As I told my friends, they continually told me to prepone my departure time to avoid traffic, so I left at 5 am^. [Read more…]